Helping to make work go right; Fighting for you when work goes wrong.
Overtime Pay
Overtime pay is complex. A HUGE number of employers are cheating their employees out of overtime wages. Call Ramsland Law if you think your employer might be stealing your fair wages from you.
Non-competition agreements are sometimes important to protect businesses. Sometimes non-competition agreements are used abusively by employers unfairly and unlawfully. Before you sign a non-compete, know what you’re getting into. If you’ve already signed, you should know what it means for you and if your employer can even enforce it.
Unpaid Wages
If your employer owes you money for unpaid wages, commissions, vacation, or benefits – there is legal help for you! Employees should have legal help from an employment lawyer. Call Ramsland Law when fighting for your unpaid wages.
It is against the law for employees to be discriminated against because of their race, gender, disability, age, and pregnancy. It’s also against the law for them to enforce stereotypes of these protected factors. Employees should have legal help from an employment lawyer when dealing with discrimination – that’s what Ramsland Law does.
Separation / Severance Agreements
Sometimes employment relationships don’t work out, and sometimes employees are laid-off or fired. If that happens to you – DON’T SIGN ANYTHING until you’ve met with a lawyer. You might not think that you have any rights, and you might not think anyone can help. Ramsland Law can often find things that your employer has done to violate your rights – things you might not have thought were wrong. Before you sign away your rights, make sure you know what you’re giving up.
For example, many employees don’t know that they should have been receiving overtime wages for years! Employers all around the nation make the mistake of thinking that paying an employer a salary means that they don’t have to pay overtime. Jason Ramsland of Ramsland Law has helped unfairly fired employees recover unpaid overtime in many cases. However, if you sign a severance agreement without getting legal help, you might give away your opportunity to recover money your employer owes you. Sometimes this can be thousands – or tens of thousands – of dollars! Get legal advice before you sign!
Starting your business
In many cases, your old employer may try to stop you from opening your own business to compete against it. Certainly, the law about competition is tricky! Make sure that you have good advice as you get started. Don’t let early legal trouble de-rail you when you start your own business!